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aktualizované: 20.10.2011 16:41:35 

BarberStreet 23 Irish Terriers

During the years I have read a lot of articles about dogs, terriers and especially irish terriers. Most of them I forgot shortly after the reading but some of them had the influence on my view on Irish Terriers and dogs as such.  Let me introduce some of them:
Chapter about Irish Terrier from the book "The dogs and all about them" written by Mr.Robert Leighton in 1907. I especially like: (1) the description of the standard - and fact that essential points didn't change for more than 100 years ; (2) to read about famous historical champions from author who saw them in reality. 
Excerpt from the book "The complete Irish Terrier" written by Dr.E.S. Montgomery about the Irish Terrier coat - it helped me to understand a bit this issue. 
Article "Irish Terriers, type and breed standard" written by Peter Jaspers. Materialized 35 years of experience with Irish Teriers.
Article of Frank Jones, originally published in "Der Terrier" in 1997. Little bit confusing, but such long-year experience in handling and judging Irish Terriers in written form you can hardly find...